There are no prices available for Austrian gas stations between 12:00 und 12:10. Due to legal obligations gas stations are heavily reporting their prices in this time frame. A price comparisson does not make sense.

OIL! Tankstelle

Leibnitzer Straße 1
8403 Lebring
1,0 km

Show on map
Opening hours
Payment possible with:
Credit card
[ f+f ] card, American Express, Diners, Visa, UTA, MasterCard, Novofleet, V Pay, DKV, Apple Pay, Google Pay, girocard, Bankomat
self service, Shop, Bistro, Wettannahmestelle, LOTTO, Hermes Paketshop, Campinggas-Station, Too Good To Go, SB-Waschboxen, Hochdruckreiniger, Schaumpistole (Vorwäsche), Staubsauger, Mattenreiniger, Reifendruckluft-Prüfgerät, Mehrwegbecher-System